How should we proceed if our end customers want to exercise their GDPR rights?

It may happen that your customers exercise rights against you under the GDPR, i.e. they may, for example, write you an e-mail with a request to:
  • delete their data (right to be forgotten)
  • export their data (right to data portability)
  • to correct their data (right to correction)
  • to know what data is stored (right to access)
Userlike provides the technical implementation for this, so that you, as our customer, can process the data of your end customers according to your wishes.
You can use the email address in the Message Center to search for the data under All Conversations or under Contacts, then export the requested information and send it to the end user, delete it, or even correct the data. According to the current legal practice, if an end customer has not provided an email address during a chat, he or she cannot make use of his or her rights under the GDPR because no clear association is supported.
As your processor, Userlike is not authorized to provide information directly to your end users in case of data protection-related inquiries. Therefore, Userlike will not answer any requests from your end users, but will always forward them to you as our customer.