How does Userlike handle personal data? Where are these stored and how are they secured?

  • All personal chat data is saved and used exclusively in our data center provider's servers in Germany.
  • The Chat Widget's configuration (Chat Button & Chat Window) is delivered through Amazon CDN. AWS will process the IP address of the end user. This will be deleted after 24h.
  • All data can be deleted by you at any time. We offer functions (bulk delete) to make the erasure of bigger data sets easier for you. After termination of the contract the customer account can be deleted.
  • We also offer a function in order to automatically delete your chat transcripts after a set time range (between 1 and 36 months). This will have no impact on your Analytics reports.
  • All data is encrypted and saved with backups on a daily basis.
We use AWS Cloudfront as our Content Delivery Network, a worldwide network of servers, which can deliver our content with equal speed and performance to any location in the world. This content includes our chat widget in the form of javascript files. The chat widget represents the source code that is executed on the end user's computer to display and enable the chat. Our website images and stylesheets are delivered through AWS CDN as well.
With the exception of the IP address and other information technically necessary for the delivery of the content, no personal data of your end users is processed by our CDN service provider.
As part of our core service, IP addresses are used by AWS Route 53 solely for the purpose of communication between server and client.
In terms of cyber security, AWS has multiple certifications both globally and in Europe. For example, AWS Cloudfront meets the high requirements set by HIPAA and can be used compliant in this context.
All other functions that go beyond these core functions can be used optionally. If these functions are not activated, or if they are not included in the chosen package, no data is processed via these providers.