Which sessions are included?
- The statistics only considers relevant sessions
- Example: If you have 100 bot conversations in total but 10 of them are irrelevant, the statistics will only display 90 total conversations
Below we explain for every module individually when a session is considered “irrelevant” by the system
When is a session considered solved/unsolved?
A session starts once an interaction happened:
- Examples for sessions:
- Customer opened chat and asked question and answer or answer candidates are shown
- Customer asked directly for agent and was forwarded
- Examples for non valid sessions:
- Customer opened chat and just said “hello” (for example) and left
- Customer asked for agent at the beginning of the chat and clicked on “no” when asked to be connected
Solved Session
- Bot sends an answer and the user then leaves the chat or doesn’t send a reply anymore
- Bot displays a selection of potential answers to the user (because it is unsure), user clicks on one and leaves the chat or doesn’t send a reply anymore
Unsolved session
- Bot sends a selection of potential answers to the user (because it is unsure), user clicks “I don’t see my question”, is being shown the message “Would you like to be connected to a service agent?” and user then clicks on “yes”
Important: If this forwarding is deactivated, the solution rate will be 100% since there is no other way to determine if the session was unsolved or not
Irrelevant session (session not recognised)
- Bot sends a selection of potential answers to the user (because it is unsure), user clicks “I don’t see my question”, is being shown the message “Would you like to be connected to a service agent?” and user then does not click on anything
Smart FAQ
The user starts a session by opening up the website into which the Smart FAQ is embedded and either inputting a search query or clicking on a category or “Frequently asked question”.
Solved session
- The user clicks on a displayed answer and then leaves the page afterwards
Unsolved session
- The user does not click any answer and then navigates to the contact page
Irrelevant session (session not recognised)
- After opening up the FAQ page the user does not interact with the Smart FAQ at all
Contact Form Suggestions
The user starts a session by opening the website into which the contact form suggestions are embedded and begins to write the text of the message.
Solved session
- The user inputs a text into the contact form, clicks on a displayed answer and then leaves the page afterwards
Unsolved session
- The user inputs a text into the contact form and answers are displayed but the user sends the request anyways
Irrelevant session (session not recognised)
- The user inputs a text into the contact form, answers are shows but user does not click on displayed answer(s) and then leaves the page immediately