Does Userlike offer discounts for non-profit organizations?

The Userlike for Nonprofits program offers a up to 50% discount* to eligible organizations for any Userlike plan.
Once approved, if your organization continues to meet the criteria required for the offer, the discount will be valid for the life of subscription.
To be eligible you must be recognized as charitable, nonprofit, nongovernmental, or social change organization in the country where you are located. Your organization will need to provide documentation showing that you meet the aforementioned criteria.
Please fill out this form with the required data, please refer to the list of required documentation based by country. (If your country is not listed, please contact us and we will work with you on an individual basis):
The determination of eligibility will be made at Userlike's discretion. After we review the document(s) you provide, we will respond with our decision and/or the coupon code to accept the offer. A credit card is required to use the coupon code.
*This discount does not apply to charges regarding our AI Automation Hub or WhatsApp Campaigns.

Required Documentation by Country

ARGENTINA Association Foundation Registration Certificate from Ministry of justice (IGJ Reg) or Civil Simple Certification of Registration from Administracion Federal De Ingreos Publicos, Human Rights Cert – CN number
AUSTRALIA ACNC Registration or DGR
AUSTRIA Certificate of Registration “Gemeinnuetzigkeit”, (Finanzamt fuer Koerperschaften) NGO verification; or Vereine verification:
BELGIUM Certificate of Registration; Cabinet of Belgium – Dutch: Vereniging Zonder Winstoogmerk (VZW),Certificate of Registration; Moniteur Belge – ASBL Association sans but lucratif, Articles and Memorandum of Association BRAZIL Registration Certificate for Associations, Foundations, PBO from Ministry of Justice/Interior
CANADA Charity Registration Number from Canada Revenue Agency A Canadian Revenue “Charitable” letter showing charitable registration number. A link to your organization’s registration on the Canada Revenue Agency’s website will also be sufficient.
CZECH REPUBLIC Certification of Registration as Foundation, Endowment from Foundation Register, Articles and Memorandum of Association
FINLAND Foundation Certificate of Registration from Foundation Registry Certificate of NPO Registration from National Board of Patents and registrations
FRANCE Certificate of Registration under “Loi de 1901”, Articles and Memorandum of Association
GERMANY Certificate of Registration “Gemeinnuetzigkeit”, (Finanzamt fuer Koerperschaften)
GREECE Certificate of Registration as NPONGO from Ministry of Finance, Official Government Journal, Articles and Memorandum of Association
IRELAND CHY number from Revenue, Articles and Memorandum of Association
ISRAEL “Amuta” number from State of Israel Registrar, Certificate of NPO Registration
ITALY Certificate of Registration as “Onlus” or Cooperative Sociale legal Registration, Articles and Memorandum of Association
JAPAN Registered Certificate as Authorized NPO or with National Tax Agency, Registered Certificate as Public Interest Corporations.
KOREA Registered Certification as Association, Foundation, NPO with local Government
LUXEMBOURG Registration as NPO, Association or Foundation from Grand Ducal Decree Register of Commerce
MEXICO Certificate of NPO Registration from Ministry of Justice or Taxpayers Registry, Registration as Civil Society Association from Public Administration or Federal Registry
NETHERLANDS Registration as “Uittreksel van de Kamer van Koophandel”, “ABSL” from Dutch Chamber of Commerce Central Bureau of Fundraising, Articles and Memorandum of Association
NEW ZEALAND Registration with NZ Charities Commissioner, Articles and Memorandum of Association
NORTHERN IRELAND Registered as Tax Exempt, XOXNXR number from HMRC
NORWAY Certificate of NPO Registration from Local Government
PALESTINE AUTHORITY Certificate for Interiors registration from Palestine National Authority Ministry
POLAND Certificate of Registration as “OPP” Organizacja Pożytku Publicznego EKRS Verification
PORTUGAL Registration card of “Pessoa Colectiva”, Registration Certification from Ministry for Finance
SCOTLAND Certificate of Charity Registration SCXXXXX” number from Office of Scottish Charity regulator, Articles and Memorandum of Association
SINGAPORE Registration Certificate of NPO or VWO by local Government
SOUTH AFRICA Certificate of NGO Registration from Department of Social Development, Articles and Memorandum of Association, Certificate of Incorporation of a Company not having a share capital
SWEDEN Certificate of NPO Registration, “Stiftelser i Allmänhet, “Insamlingsstiftelser”, “Kollektivstiftelser”
SWITZERLAND Certificate of NPO Registration, “Gemeinnuetzigkeit”, “Stiftung”, CH number
TAIWAN Registered under Civic code Act, Income Tax Law
TURKEY Certificate of NPO or Public Benefit Organisation Registration from Council of Ministries, Articles and Memorandum of Association
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Certificate of NGO Registration from Local Government
UNITED KINGDOM Charity Registration Number from Charity Commission, CIC Registration Number from CIC Regulator, Articles and Memorandum of Association
UNITED STATES IRS Determination Letter of 501(c)(3) tax exempt status, IPEDS ID from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Acceptable evidence of 501(c)(4) status, such as a copy of the Form 990.